Whether you are looking for a minor enhancement or a major overhaul of the appearance of your teeth, call our office to schedule a consultation. At this appointment, we can discuss with you the options available in our office to help you achieve the smile you want. These options include:
Bonding is a conservative method to repair slightly chipped, discolored teeth or to close small gaps in between the teeth. A white filling (“composite resin”) is used to “bond” to the tooth. Since the composite comes in a variety of tooth-colored shades, the natural appearance of your teeth can be closely matched.
Crowns are used when your teeth need more than coverage or protection to enhance its appearance. Typically for the anterior teeth, all-ceramic crowns are used because they have no metal and are very esthetic. They can be custom matched to your teeth shade and are very natural in appearance due to their translucency.
Teeth whitening (“bleaching”) can be a quick and easy enhancement. In our office, we offer two types of bleaching systems: custom made bleaching trays with gel and Crest white strips (professional grades strength.) Both systems are done at home and worn in the mouth for one hour per day for two weeks. The biggest difference between the two systems is that the bleaching gel is stronger in concentration and thus can work faster and more effectively.
If you need more information about Cosmetic Dentistry in the Quad Cities, contact us today.