Our Office

As your family dentist, we want to make sure that you get total up-to-date care from us. As a result, we have a wide variety of diagnostic technologies and an advance pain management technique that will enable us to provide you the best care possible

Intraoral Cameras

These allow us to take pictures of specific areas in your mouth and show them to you instantly. Every operatory is equipped with an intraoral camera so you can remain comfortably in the chair.

Panoramic X-rays

These allow us to get an overall picture of your mouth. A panoramic x-ray is a picture of your entire mouth, from the right side to the left side, with all the teeth and roots on one image. This x-ray helps us to evaluate wisdom teeth, eruption patterns, and any other root issues.

Cephalometric X-rays

This is a very specialized kind of diagnostic x-ray and is used by dentists for a number of orthodontic reasons. Also known as a “ceph” this kind of x-ray takes a picture of the patient’s profile and can be useful in the treatment of certain sleep disorders as it shows the patient’s airways as well as their specific dentition.

Stabident - One-tooth numbing

Did you know that sometimes people are nervous about dental treatments because they weren’t completely numbed in the past? More than 30 percent of people don’t respond to the traditional method of block anesthesia -- which means not all of their nerve endings are blocked, and they experience pain when they shouldn’t. But here at QC Family Dentistry, we take our patients’ comfort very seriously. That’s why we administer anesthesia directly in the area where we’re working -- numbing up all of the source nerves instantly, without making your entire face feel funny for hours afterward. Our patients love this technique, and call it “one-tooth numbing.” Ask us about it today to learn more.